Promoting Research in Learning Innovations

The OIR Faculty Fellows Program nurtures the careers of the University of Nebraska’s most promising faculty members who are actively involved in online education and technology innovations. The goal is to foster time and space for high-impact, and innovative scholarship while creating an environment of intellectual exchange and an appreciation for interdisciplinary scholarship.

The fellows meet throughout the academic year to exchange feedback on current research, collaborate to build partnerships on multi-disciplinary research projects, and participate in professional development.

We are now accepting applications for the 2024-2025 Faculty Fellows cohort through March 15, 2024.

In 2022-23, the fellows completed exemplary research, resulting in:

  • 8International Conference Presentations
  • 4bet36365体育 Campus Presentations
  • 3Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

Program Information


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2023-2024 Online Innovation Research Faculty Fellows

Dr. Christina Sogar

Dr. Christina Sogar

Associate Professor, Social Work

Dr. Nathan Tye

Dr. Nathan Tye

Assistant Professor, History

Dr. Todd Bartee

Dr. Todd Bartee

Professor, Biology

Dr. Amber Alexander

Dr. Amber Alexander

Assistant, Professor History

Dr. Jane Roitsch

Dr. Jane Roitsch

Assistant Professor, Communication Disorders

Dr. Greg Pec

Dr. Greg Pec

Associate Professor, Biology

Dr.  Heather Kennedy

Dr. Heather Kennedy

Associate Professor, Counseling, School Psychology and Family Science

Shannon Mulhearn

“Society is constantly changing. It’s not a stagnant student body, so teaching practices from 20 years ago aren’t going to be as effective on today’s student. Part of what we want to do through research is determine what we need to update and how bet36365体育 can be at the forefront of innovation and addressing today’s student issues.”

Shannon Mulhearn

2022-23 Research Fellow