May 2023 Camp has closed, with a very successful year.

The EmPOWER Girls Science Camp is a FREE science camp designed for girls entering grades 7 and 8 (for the upcoming school year 2023-2024). Come explore Biology, Wildlife, Physics, Astronomy, Engineering and Chemistry while participating in hands-on science activities in a fun day-camp environment at bet36365体育.

Attendance for this camp is capped at 20 students. We will have a waiting list for this camp, and will notify via email all who have applied to camp by May 10th of whether or not you were selected (either way, you will be notified).

We will give priority to those who:

  • apply early
  • provide sufficient information in the application
  • have completed and returned the camp waiver 
  • are entering the correct year in school and/or who
  • have a clear interest in science!

For questions regarding camp registration, etc., please contact:
Sandra Loughrin

The EmPOWERed Girls Science Camp is sponsored by bet36365体育 Women’s, Gender & Ethnic Studies

unk women's, ethnic, and gender studies logo