Maintaining Legal F-1 Student Status

The F-1 immigration status is available for international students wishing to pursue full-time academic studies and/or language training programs in the U.S.
  • F-1 students need to comply with U.S. 美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS)规定, 哪些可以在I-20表格第2页的“学生须知”中找到. 通过遵循这些说明和下面的具体信息, F-1学生将在美国保持合法的F-1身份.S. 并且能够充分利用现有的F-1福利.
  • 国际学生服务(ISS)网站提供一般信息, 具体福利和程序的表格和说明, and advising information. Any questions should be directed to a Designated Signing Official (DSO) in International Student Services (ISS). See Staff Directory.