下面你会找到关于性侵犯的定义和常见问题的答案, dating violence, and stalking.

What is sexual assault?

对他人的不雅或性行为, 未经同意,对人施以实际或威胁的暴力. Or, 它是强加给那些由于年龄而不能给予同意的人的, physical, or mental incapacity.


它总是取决于幸存者,他们想利用什么资源. 我们建议在被攻击后接受医疗检查, 向护士或医生咨询有关的问题, even if there are no visible physical wounds. 科尔尼的家庭倡导网络(FAN)为幸存者提供医疗检查.

Family Advocacy Network (FAN): (308) 865-7492 
bet36365体育 Student Health: (308) 865-8218
Good Samaritan Hospital: (308) 865-7100

如果你想讨论进行调查或提出指控的方案, 请联系bet36365体育校园警察或科尔尼警察局. You can also contact the Victim/Witness Assistance Unit at the Kearney Police Department.

bet36365体育 Police Department: (308) 865-8911
Kearney Police Department: (308) 237-2104
If you are in immediate danger please call 911.

Sexual assault can be a highly traumatic event. 我们鼓励你把发生的事情告诉别人. 我们也鼓励你与咨询师交谈,帮助你应对性侵犯对身体和情感的影响.

bet36365体育 Counseling: (308) 865-8248
S.A.F.E. Center: (308) 237-2599

有关如何帮助朋友或亲人的更多信息,请访问: http://www.rainn.org/articles/tips-talking-survivors-sexual-assault

What is dating (domestic) violence?




  • Emotional abuse: calling names, yelling and screaming, 口头威胁要伤害你或你关心的人, 阻止你见其他朋友或家人, telling you what to do or wear, 当你不同意性行为时,让你感到内疚或不成熟
  • Physical abuse对受害者使用的任何形式的身体暴力. Grabbing your face to force you to look at them, forcing you to have sex or perform sexual acts, 使用任何类型的武器也是身体虐待的形式.
  • Financial abuse: constricting your financial freedoms in any way. 这可能包括不允许你工作或限制你的工作时间, hiding or stealing your income of any kind, or using your credit cards without permission.
  • Sexual abuse: any form of unwanted sexual contact. This may include unwanted kissing or touching, rape, 拒绝使用避孕套或其他避孕措施, threatening unwanted sexual activity, 或者禁止受害者保护自己免受性传播感染. 
  • Cyber abuse: 任何形式的控制或利用技术. 这可能包括不允许你在Facebook上加朋友或在Twitter上关注某人, constantly texting or calling, tracking you using GPS, forcing you to send explicit photos, stealing passwords, or going through your phone often.



如果你或你认识的人正在经历关系暴力, find a trusted person you can talk to. 最重要的一步是找到一个你可以信赖的人来帮助你. 如果你觉得你有直接的危险,请拨打911. 

如果你不愿意告诉生活中的某个人, 你可以随时向校园和社区服务机构寻求帮助,他们可以为关系暴力提供咨询和资源.

bet36365体育 Gender & Sexuality Resource Office: (308) 865-8751
bet36365体育 Counseling: (308) 865-8248
S.A.F.E. Center: (308) 237-2599 
Family Advocacy Center (FAN): (308) 865-7492

如果你想联系当局或采取法律行动, 请联系校园警察或社区警察.

bet36365体育 Police Department: (308) 865-8911
Kearney Police Department: (308) 237-2104

What is stalking?

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, 跟踪被定义为“一种重复的、不必要的关注模式”, harassment, 接触或任何其他针对特定的人的行为会导致一个理智的人感到恐惧."

What are stalking behaviors?

Since stalkers are often someone you know, 跟踪行为一开始可能并不奇怪,也不会让你感到不舒服. Stalking behaviors often escalate rapidly; it is necessary to be vigilant and look out for things that make you uncomfortable. 

跟踪行为可能包括出现在你的工作场所或其他你经常去的地方, repeated phone calls, sending unwanted gifts, Internet stalking, contacting friends and family to get to you, destruction of your property, violence, including threats of violence, and constant, unwanted contact of any kind. 



对付跟踪者的一个好方法是保持跟踪事件 log. Because stalking is a hard crime to prosecute, 日志可以帮助证明这些行为的频率和持续时间. 记录还可以让受害者确信这些行为是不正常的. 最好也保存跟踪者可能发送给你的任何东西. 保留对方的任何信件或笔记,以及通过技术手段进行的任何交流. 如果朋友或家人也目睹了这些行为,让他们也写在日志里.

最好制定一个安全计划,以防他们跟着你回家或突然出现在某个地方,让你处于危险之中. Telling family members, employers, 朋友可以帮助你让你生活中的人意识到这种情况.


bet36365体育 Police Department: (308) 865-8911
Kearney Police Department: (308) 237-2104