Scholarships & Testimonials


Philosophy is at the center of any university that upholds the tradition of seeking the truth in all matters.  用约翰·纽曼的话来说:

正是教育使一个人明白, 有意识地看待自己的意见和判断, 一个发展它们的真理, 表达它们的口才, 还有一种推动他们的力量.  它教会他看清事物的本来面目, 开门见山, 理清思想的纠缠, 去发现什么是诡辩, 抛弃不相关的东西.  It prepares him to fill any post with credit, and to master any subject with facility.  It shows him how to accommodate himself to others, 如何把自己投入到他们的精神状态中, 如何把自己的儿子带到他们面前, how to influence them, 如何与他们达成谅解, how to bear with them.

内布拉斯加大学科尔尼分校, 我们在哲学项目中寻求建立, nurture and preserve in our students a love of learning for its own sake, clear and independent thought that will be beneficial in any future vocation, and a thorough understanding of the ideas that shape human culture. So we engage students in disciplined and imaginative thinking about the philosophical questions that arise naturally in the course of a liberal education. We do this through examining closely the original and primary works of philosophers and other writers (the “Great Books”). 阅读哲学的原始资料, religion, and literature are the beginning of becoming an educated human being, and coming to understand where and who you really are.