For Parents

Students were provided with information related to safety and health risks and the means to avoid these risks. A number of general sources of information are drawn upon to guide all programs. These include:

  1. US Government advisories, including those of the U.S. Department of State and those issued by in-country embassies. Health issues abroad are followed both through the Centers for Disease Control and the bet36365体育 Health Center.
  2. The knowledge and judgment of leadership staff for each program.
  3. Contact with professional colleagues at other institutions with program sites in the same vicinity as our programs.
  4. Our own advisory staff, who have several decades of experience living, studying, and working abroad.

Despite all precautions, total safety cannot be guaranteed while abroad any more than it can be in the U.S. In spite of this, the Study Abroad Office continues to do whatever it can to maximize the safety of those participating in our programs. We suggest that you talk with your student regarding your concerns and the student's plans for avoiding risks while abroad.