

作为Loper,你需要一张bet36365体育 ID卡. Instead of waiting in line for your photo to be taken, you can submit it online. 以下是拍照的方法:

步骤1: Check your camera format by following these instructions based on your phone type:

  • For iPhone– Go to Settings > Camera > Format > Most compatible
  • For Android – go to Settings > Apps > Camera > Camera Settings > Picture Formats > Disable High efficiency pictures

步骤2: Take your photo in a well-lit area with a white or off-white background. 站在靠近墙的地方以减少阴影, 关掉顶灯以避免强光, 面对像窗户一样的光源. Take a full head-to-shoulder photograph with no more space above the head or below the chin. Look straight at the camera and take a passport-style photo that meets the following requirements:

  • 没有专业/高级照片
  • 除非是医疗用途,否则不要戴太阳镜
  • No headwear unless required for religious beliefs


步骤3: 使用GET™应用程序上传照片

Now that you have a great photo, let’s get it uploaded by using the GET App.

  • Download the GET Mobile app in the Apple Store or the Play Store.
  • Select “内布拉斯加大学 Kearney” as your institution.
  • Log in with your bet36365体育 credentials by using your full bet36365体育邮箱地址 (e.g., username@lopers.devotec-nurb.com)和 TrueYou密码 (登入MyBLUE的密码).

如果你不知道你的电子邮件地址, login to MyBLUE and click Tools > LoperMail > click Profile circle (Account Manager) in top right corner. 您的电子邮件将被显示.

Once you are logged in to the GET App, click Settings and Upload or Update photo. You will receive an email notification if your photo is accepted or rejected.

Once school starts, you will use the GET App to keep track of meals and dining points. 如果你不住在校园里, you can add funds called 洛佩尔美元 to save 20% at all on-campus dining locations. 访问 devotec-nurb.com/loperdollars 了解更多.

校园的学生 pick up your ID in the 身份证 Office (Suite 142G in the Nebraskan Student Union). You must appear in person to obtain your identification card. Remember to bring photo identification, such as a driver’s license, passport or photo military ID.

员工 bet36365体育 ID卡有两个照片选项吗. Follow the instructions above to upload a photo using the 得到应用, 或在身分证办事处拍照. 访问 the 身份证 Office (Suite 142G in the Nebraskan Student Union) to have the card printed at time of pick up.  Remember to bring photo identification, such as a driver’s license, passport or photo military ID.